City of Parker Public Library
Come visit us at 4710 E. 2nd Street Parker, Fl 32404
We are open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Saturday from 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
For additional library information call 850-871-3092
In March of 1989, Parker City Councilwoman Brenda Hendricks rallied the Parker City Council to set aside funds to remodel the current Arts and Crafts shop in order to make room for a branch of the Bay County Public Library. This placed the librarian in a section of the Parker municipal complex.
On August 1, 1989, over 100 people attended the dedication and ribbon cutting of the new Parker Public Library. Council members responsible for founding the new library included Mayor Earl Gilbert, Brenda Hendricks, Paul Davis, Alpharetta Holbrook, and John Boisky. Their insight still carries forth and has been a welcome addition to the community.

At the dedication, Library Director George Vickery welcomed Parker Public Library as a member of the Bay County Public Library System, and by extension, the Northwest Regional Library System.
The Branch Manager is Katie Anderson promoted in May 2022.
Parker Public Library has provided books, DVD’s, magazines, newspapers, story time for children , and computer services for the Parker community in ever increasing numbers.
Hurricane Michael hit the Bay County area on October 10, 2018. The Parker Public Library had the most damage from the hurricane and lost a large portion of its roof causing 4,000 books and other materials to be destroyed. While the library was being repaired, a bookmobile was loaned by the Rotary Club of Chesterland Ohio to be able to provided library services to the Parker Community.

Funding from St. Joe Community Foundation, Panhandle Library Access Network, Florida Library Association, and other grants and donations helped replace lost items. The Grand Reopening and Ribbon Cutting ceremony was on December 5, 2019 with the Bay County Chamber and the City of Parker.

Parker Public Library

Renovated Parker Public Library after the Hurricane Michael repairs.