March 25, 2025
The City of Parker is required by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to operate using a stormwater management plan.
Because we have a “Municipal Separate Stormwater Sewer System”, we use the rules of the NPDES. The NPDES water program regulates point source discharges of stormwater into surface waters of the State of Florida from certain municipal, industrial, and construction activities. We must adhere to specific program requirements and continue to develop and follow new initiatives.
The City maintains and repairs the public storm sewer, or stormwater drainage system. Operations include inspection of the storm sewer system, catch basin cleaning, making necessary repairs to the system, and removing debris and clogs from City streams.
The frequency of cleaning varies from once a week on major thoroughfares to quarterly in lower-use residential streets. Keeping the sand and debris out of the road reduces what runs into the bay during storms.
The city provides debris pickup, which includes leaves and brush, weekly to all city residents.
This program minimizes the potential for any oil or gas pollution. All City fleet maintenance operations are conducted within the main garage at the Public Works facility. This area is completely enclosed, features spill control measures, and is inspected regularly.
All waste oil generated through fleet maintenance operations is recycled.
The City uses only above-ground fuel storage tanks which are equipped with leak detection.
The City provides training for employees in activities that could impact stormwater quality. The training is focused on minimizing the potential for stormwater pollution from parks, fleet maintenance, street maintenance, and storm sewer maintenance.
The following activities develop public support and improve the effectiveness of the stormwater program.
Stormwater Hotline
The City has designated a contact person to receive questions and complaints regarding stormwater quality. If you have a question or comment about a stormwater quality issue, please call (850) 871-5599.
Council Meetings
Once a year, the city organizes a meeting to discuss the NPDES annual report and other stormwater-related topics
Public Participation
The City provides opportunities for public participation at the Planning Board Public Hearings that can include stormwater-related discussions (e.g., treatment requirements).
Detect & Address Illicit Discharges
The City performs field inspection of outfalls and identification of any illicit discharges found.
Spill Response Program
The City of Parker Fire Department provides spill containment services. Please call (850) 871-4313 for information.
Storm Sewer Mapping
The City has worked with Bay County and developed a digital map of the entire public storm sewer system using geographic information system (GIS) software. This map contains information about all components of the public storm sewer system.